Wardrobe Architect Revised pt.5

By Tiffany - Saturday, September 13, 2014

I'm going back over Coletterie's Wardrobe Architect and now I'm at Week 9 and 10. Week 9 is about creating a capsule wardrobe. Last time I did this exercise, I was pretty happy with most of my silhouettes. But, some of it, particularly the silhouette for colder weather wasn't that great.

As I mentioned in an earlier exercise, skinny legged pants are what are 'mainstream' right now. So, my silhouette with the flared leg pants is a little out of place. Basically, it's more like what people were wearing ten years ago and the times they are a'changin.  

I came up with three new silhouettes to replace the old one. The first one is not that different from what I said I liked before: pants; cardigan; and simple top. What is different, is I am using skinny jeans and a more flowy top (as discussed for Week 4 revised). 

This second silhouette is almost the same, just with a different top silhouette. 

Finally, this third silhouette is a little more different. Playing with the preppy vibe I'm going for, I want to make a nice shirt in some of my Liberty fabric (that I still have been so indecisive about, that I've done nothing with it!). And I pair it with a nice cable sweater (something I can knit!).


These are three very simple silhouettes that I definitely see me wearing. And it is all very interchangeable. 

And not to forget what else I need to wear in the colder weather, I was thinking of jackets. As I mentioned awhile back, I would love to have a field jacket in an olive green. And maybe I should buy some nice boots to go with it.

And, of course, my winter jacket and my Quincy hat. What I need now is a scarf, some new gloves, and some new winter boots (I'm due for some new one's). I found these boots online - they are LL Bean boots made in Maine. 

I think that will be stylish, warm, and functional, which is what I want.

On to Week 10: The Capsule Palette. Last time, I did this exercise, I had to pick a few colours from my huge assortment and found it very difficult. This time, I'm am not going to bother. I think I did a much better job picking colours to start with for Week 5 and 6 exercises, that I don't feel that I have pare down any more. Here are my colours:

That's it! Almost done redoing this series and it is very useful. I already feel that I'm better at dressing myself and my sewing is much more focused!

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